Our Team

General Manager - James Keogh

James joined the VCC July 2023.

Administration - Janaya

Janaya works the magic in the office!

Head Ice Maker - Cody Hall

Cody works the magic on the ice!

The Victoria Curling Club would not be able to function effectively without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. Everything from bonspiel and league organizing, to working the occasional shift in our pro-shop, to lending a helping hand doing tasks that otherwise would be placed on the back-burner, our club is built on the shoulders of our volunteer force.

We need volunteers more than ever! And as we look to the future of the Club, it is “all hands on deck” – if you have a skill and some time to donate for the betterment of the building, we are undertaking numerous projects that require your expertise. If you are interested in lending a hand or providing resources, we need you – please contact the office using the link below, and we will match you up with the right opportunity.